BLUE ICE: The Relationship with The Self: MsKr SITH Conversations, Book 1 (Dr. Hew Lena and Kamaile Rafaelovich Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono, MsKr SITH Conversations)

BLUE ICE: The Relationship with The Self, Book 1, MsKr SITH® Conversations. This is the first in a series of books on Self I-Dentity through Ho’oponopono (SITH®). SITH® is an ancient Hawaiian problem solving method, updated by Kahuna Lapa’au Morrnah Nalamaku Simeona, which can be used by an individual to release stress and bring about balance. This book is a compilation of discussions between master practitioners Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len and Kamaile Rafaelovich from an ongoing radio program called MsKr SITH® Conversations. This book focuses on the relationship with the Self and the Inner Family.

How did this book come about and why is it unique?

•This book is the product of decades of work by dedicated SITH® practitioners who worked closely with SITH® creator Morrnah Simeona.

•The book is primarily a discussion between Kamaile Rafaelovich and Ihaleakala Hew Len about SITH®, with participation by many guests who are also long-time practitioners of SITH®.

•Participants share how moment-by-moment cleaning has transformed their lives and what do they do when problems arise.

•Kamaile Rafaelovich gives insights based on her 42 years of experience with SITH®, including 25 years of working closely with Morrnah Simeona. She approaches each question as if plucking a freshly bloomed flower. The answers are stimulating, detailed, inspired and deeply fragrant. Sometimes pungent.

•Ihaleakala Hew Len has been practicing SITH® for 32 years. He toured and taught with Morrnah Simeona for 10 years and has taught classes around the world from Dubai to Australia. Dr. Hew Len’s responses are timeless – cutting to the heart of the SITH® process, straight like an arrow on target.

•The book’s editor Dr. Momilani Ramstrum taught SITH® with Morrnah in Hawai’i, is a frequent guest on the MsKr radio programs and has been practicing and teaching SITH® as a way of life for 31 years.

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