20 Dutch Iris Bulbs “Golden Harvest ’ eye-catching shapes& beautiful colour

eautiful Dutch Iris are relatively easy bulbs to grow, suitable for an open, sunny location in a reasonably well-drained soil which dries out at least partially in the summer. Eye of the Tiger has a unique color combination of purple with a bronze/maroon. General Description Dutch iris ‘Golden Harvest’ warms the spring garden with its cheerful blossoms of rich, pure yellow. Named for the Holland growers who originally hybridized them, the bright flowers of Dutch iris rise on slender stems in spring amid narrow, reedlike foliage. The sturdy, graceful blossoms are comprised of three upright standards and three downward-curving falls, which are usually marked with a bright yellow blotch. Appearing in numerous shades and combinations of blue, purple, yellow, white, bronze, mauve and orange, these colorful iris make excellent, long-lasting cut flowers. Dutch irises are sun-loving, bulbous perennials which go dormant after flowering in spring. Plant the bulbs in late summer to early fall at a depth of three to four inches, spaced three to six inches apart, in moderately fertile, well-drained soil. The vibrant-blooming Dutch irises are best displayed among other perennial so their foliage conceals the irises as they go dormant by the end of spring. USDA Zones: 4-9 Bloom Time: May-June Height: 24″ Planting depth/Spacing: 5″/ 2″ Deer Resistant: yes

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