Whiter than Snow (Finding Love in the Blue Ridge Mountains)

Jennifer Collins, with a broken arm and cracked ribs. is trapped in her home by the blizzard of the century. Without power or telephone service, and with gale-force winds threatening to tear the roof off her trembling house, she waits for help.

Assistance comes in the form of Rick Jenkins, a volunteer fireman with search-and-rescue certification. Rick seeks to take her to a shelter, but when a toppling tree crashes his truck, Rick and Jennifer must concentrate on simply staying alive until other help can arrive.

As Jennifer learns more about her unexpected guest, she recognizes the pain that has frozen his soul. She believes God has brought them together for a reason, but will Rick be able to acknowledge that? Can he face his wounds and forgive so that he can once again feel the gentle warmth of God’s love and a woman’s tender care?

Finding Love in the Blue Ridge Mountains … Contemporary Christian fiction portraying real-to-life characters in search of lasting love in the Blue Ridge Mountains.

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