BLUE Wilderness Adult Grain-Free Beef & Chicken Grill Wet Dog Food 12.5-oz (pack of 12)

Blue buffalo can dog food is formulated specifically to help meet the needs of all dogs. Natural, holistic and limited ingredient, basics minimizes food sensitivities while maximizing the nutritional value they receive. Turkey is the first ingredient, providing high quality protein. Potatoes and oatmeal are easily digestible carbohydrate sources, great for sustained energy. A precise blend of vegetables, fruits and micronutrients were added for their nutritional value as well as their capacity to help in the digestive process. An optimal blend of omega 3 and 6 fatty acids maintains the immune system while also supporting skin and coat health. Glucosamine and chondroitin help support healthy joint function and overall mobility. Protein from the deboned chicken and L-Carnitine promote lean muscle. Calcium and essential vitamins help keep bones and teeth strong. Basics is free of corn, wheat, dairy, soy and eggs, so it is great for dogs with food sensitivities. The delicious taste will have your big guy coming back for more. Features: made in the USA for large breed adult dogs turkey is the first ingredient potatoes and oatmeal provide high quality protein omega 3 and 6 fatty acids for skin and coat health helps the digestive process contains no corn, wheat, dairy, soy, or eggs promotes joint health and lean muscle development helps keep bones and teeth strong.

  • 12.5 oz can (Pack of 12)
  • Made in the USA
  • Inspired by the diet of the wolf, BLUE Wilderness is a high-protein, low-carbohydrate food that will provide your dog with a higher concentration of the beef and chicken he loves.
  • Love Them Like Family. Feed Them Like Family.

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Home » Blue Wilderness » BLUE Wilderness Adult Grain-Free Beef & Chicken Grill Wet Dog Food 12.5-oz (pack of 12)