A Girl Named Blue: The Adventure Begins (The Adventures of Blue Faust Book 1)

An ordinary girl, thrown into extraordinary – and deadly – new worlds…

Blue Faust considers herself a regular girl. A little shy, maybe, and a smidge isolated. But she’s got a plan for that, and a list.
When she and her mother move to a new city, she implements it. This will be The Year of New Things, and there will be adventures. Little does she know just how right she is.
While out hiking one day with new friends, she finds herself in a strange world. Confronted with kidnappers, stubborn beast-mounts, advanced technology and killer crystals, she has to somehow find a way to get everyone home. Throw in an assortment of hooligans, mercenaries and clansmen, and Blue has all the New she can handle.

New List:
Learn to ride a horse-like thing
Find friends
Stop kidnappers
Get home

Easy, right?

*** Please note that this is the first book in a slow burn reverse harem series, there are no sexy times till a few books down***
**Also, there is violence and some swearing, so, yeah.**

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