Menzuo: Legend of The Blue Diamond (A Dark Spores Novel Book 1)

The follow-up book of the Menzuo is the first installment of the Super hero book in the Dark Spores Series from acclaimed author Keshawn Dodds.

When young Jammal (a.k.a. super hero Prince Menzuo) found out that he was adopted…and from another planet, his true destiny as the new Universal Protector was revealed. After saving the Earth from one very dangerous Pirate Warrior named Morbid, Menzuo is ready to continue his preparation to become the true Universal Protector. As he trains to master his super powers with Solar by his side, under Master Renzfly’s watchful eye, a mysterious messenger from the outer realm interrupts his progress and begs for the prince’s help to save planet Bralose from a host of super villains. Confident in his training and super powers, Menzuo is surprised to find that he’s not prepared to battle Hydrosion—the super villain holding planet Bralose captive. Just when the prince believes all is lost, the Solar Warriors lend a hand just in the nick of time. If he is to defeat the evil Hydration, Menzuo learns he will have to embark on a journey to find the legendary Blue Diamond—a feat no one has yet done successfully. It’s a race against all odds as the Universal Protector and his friends discover what they need to defeat the enemy before it’s too late.

What people are saying about the Dark Spores Series:
“The birth of the Super-Normal is upon us.”
“A collection of super hero books for the new generation of readers.”
“Super heroes versus super villains. What could be better.”

Super villain

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